Auto Accident in Pennsylvania
Last year, there were 129,395 car crashes in Pennsylvania. 1,188 people died and 82,971 people injured because of the crash. The 2016 total of auto crashes is the thirteenth lowest total since 1950 when 113,748 crashes were reported. The 2016 fatality rate of 1.18 fatalities per hundred million vehicle-miles of travel* was the second lowest ever recorded in Pennsylvania since the department started keeping records of this in 1935. 2016 Briefs On Average in Pennsylvania:
- Each day 355 traffic crashes occurred (about 15 crashes every hour).
- Each day 3 persons were fatally injured in traffic crashes (one fatality every 7 hours).
- Each day 227 persons were injured in crashes (about 9 injuries every hour).
Based on Pennsylvania’s 2016 population (12,784,227 people):
- 1 out of every 43 people was involved in a traffic crash.
- 1 out of every 10,761 people was fatally injured in a traffic crash.
- 1 out of every 154 people was injured in a traffic crash.